- Primary Instructor: Александр Наумчев
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Виктор Никифоров
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 2
- Teacher: Иван Конюхов
- Primary Instructor: Мохаммад Реза Бахрами
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Николай Шилов
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 2
- Teacher: Адил Мехмуд Хан
- Primary Instructor: Карл Давид Леонард Johard
- Primary Instructor: Андрей Фролов
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Мунир Махмутов
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 2