- Primary Instructor: Нияз Кашапов
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 4
- Primary Instructor: Анна Мелехова
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 4
- Primary Instructor: Владимир Иванов
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 4
- Primary Instructor: Паоло Чианкарини
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 4
- Primary Instructor: Мухаммад Фахим
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 4
- Primary Instructor: Cham An Fam
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 4
- Lecturer: Георгий Гелвановский
- Lecturer: Оксана Жирош
- Lecturer: Рабаб Маруф
- Lecturer: Руслан Садуов
- Primary Instructor: Валерия Тишкова
type of course: core
degree: bachelors
year of study: 4