type of course: core
degree: masters
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Кирилл Салтанов
type of course: core
degree: masters
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Cham An Fam
- Primary Instructor: Станислав Протасов
type of course: core
degree: masters
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Саид Мухаммад Ахсан Раза Казми
type of course: core
degree: masters
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Мохаммад Реза Бахрами
type of course: core
degree: masters
year of study: 2
- Primary Instructor: Muwaffaq Imam
type of course: core
degree: masters
year of study: 2