Содержание курса

Этот курс aims at thinking the relation between ethics, science and technology and devoted to the study of the main problems of ethical nature related to scientific research activities and manifestations of science as a social institution, as well as-wider – with axiological aspects of the theoretical development of the world by man. The questions are covered professional ethics of a scientist, the problem of social and ethical responsibility of a scientist, features of moral problems of specific scientific disciplines. During the course, students will learn fundamental principles of science ethics from past to modern time that can be helped to identify ethical problem in science and modern technology, gave a rational justification for ethical decisions, applied ethical principles in the assessment and solution of the specific problem situations of modern science and engineering practice.


Knowledge Areas

·         Robotics

·         Artificial  intelligence

·         Information security

·         Research


Course Delivery

The course will be given 2 hrs. per week including 4 hrs.  of self-study, one day per month from August to November 2014 and two days third week on September and October 2 hrs. each. There are three assignments. Tutorial exercises will be set periodically. There is a final examination.


Prerequisite courses

List of courses, which are recommended to pass before the enrollment: philosophy, law, history, introduction to specialty.


Required background knowledge

Рекомендуется знать основные научные и философские категории: этика, анализ и синтез, методология и т. Д. Студенты должны уметь работать с метрическими данными науки, сравнивать социальные и профессиональные задачи своей деятельности. Студенты также должны продемонстрировать навыки работы как в команде, так и индивидуально.


Структура курса

[Пример: IA - индивидуальное задание, RQ - вопросы по чтению, GA - групповое задание и т. Д.]

Неделя № / Дата



1 неделя

Введение в науку Этика и ее классификация / лекция


2 неделя

Ценностная природа науки как предпосылка ее этического понимания


3 неделя

Проблема социальной и этической ответственности ученого / лекция


4 неделя

The problem of socio-ethical responsibility of the scientist: history and modern solutions/lab

Analytical report

IA – Individual Assignment

Week 5

Global problems of modernity and the role of science in their solution: ethical aspect/lecture


Week 6

Industrialization 4.0 and  modern architecture of science/lecture


Week 7

Top 10 ethical issues of modern science/lecture

IA – Individual Assignment

Week 8

The creation of the atomic bomb as a moral dilemma in science/lab



Week 9

Modern technologies in biology and medicine: bioethical and legal aspects/lecture


Week 10

International legislation and bioethical principles/lab

 IA – Individual Assignment

Week 11

Modern robotics in the context of ethical and legal analysis/lecture


Week 12

History and present regulation of robotics: ethical and legal approaches/lab

IA – Individual Assignment

Week 13

Opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence: ethical issues/lecture


Week 14

Digital technologies and cybersecurity: social and ethical aspects/lecture


Week 15

Breakthrough technologies: opportunities and risks/lecture-conference

Report, presentation

GA – group assignment


Expected Learning outcomes

The course will provide an opportunity for participants to:

·         become familiar with important theoretical and practical development of individual moral norms and collective scientific or professional activity;

·         to identify ethical problems in science and modern technology;

·         to give a rational justification for ethical decisions in professional activity;

·         to apply ethical principles in the assessment and solution of the specific problem situations of real professional practice;

·         understanding of relevant for modern science aspects of the problem of social and ethical responsibility of the scientist and engineer.



Expected acquired core competencies


As a result of the development of the discipline student:

·         must know: the main ethical problems of modern science, including specific scientific problems; historical stages of development of science and society relations and understanding of this interactions; different facets of the problem of socio-ethical responsibility of the scientist, to distinguish the stages development of this problem in the history of science;

·         must be able: to analyze the value aspects of the problems of science and technology; to be guided in moral collisions of modern science and technology, including specifics of problems separate science; to understand the moral aspects of the functioning of science as a multidimensional phenomenon public life;

·         Должны обладать: моральными нормами академической этики; правила обсуждения; понимание ценностной неоднозначности научно-технического прогресса